It feels really good to be almost done with 6 new costumes + soft parts for 2 costumes for Chase nearly a month before Dragoncon.
Ok so I’m just gonna go through my pics in order.
We finally made our own badge ribbons to hand out this year!

Obviously I’ll be handing out the Space Bun Club ribbons LOL And Chase will have the Laszlo ones.
Got out the wig I bought for Seven, which was an incredibly cheap amazon wig but had pretty good reviews, so I gave it a shot. Trimmed it and curled it and…

What a mess. I could NOT get the front to stay up out of my face, tracks were visible everywhere in the back, and it’s obviously frizzy AF. So back to the internet to find a replacement.
New wig came later last week – once again got it trimmed and curled and this one turned out MUCH BETTER.

Please excuse the bathroom background. I’ve finally realized it’s easier to style wigs in the bathroom where all of the hair stuff is, instead of dragging all the hair stuff to my sewing room and then having to put it all away again.
Got the boot cover for flashback Leia made:

So yes, the dyeing I mentioned last week did turn out, but as you can see I ended up with a lot of different tones and shades in it. This is the result of 3 rounds of dye, a dye remover bath, and 2 more rounds of dye. But I liked the rough, uneven colouring for this, I think it looks pretty neat.
I was on the fence about either doing a velcro closure in the back, or zippers. I’d bought separating zippers a while back in case that’s what I wanted to do – but they ended up being too short.
My local Joann only showed having 1 of the longer length in the colour I wanted, so I just ordered them. I’ve now been waiting since Thursday for them to even ship, so annoying, I really want to get this done.
My fleece showed up Friday, so I got to work on my updated Lothal Leia hairpiece. For reference, a couple of weeks ago I made the lower bun and tried to do the upper braid with an existing piece and it all just didn’t mesh together well. So I decided to make the entire thing one piece.
I started by making a kobracast base and forming it over the back of my wighead.

There are times where having a small head the same size as one of these wigheads comes in handy and this is one of them.
Once it was cooled, I sewed some of my brown fleece around it, and then took one of the hair extensions I had leftover from the bun and sewed it along the top.

Got the hair formed around it – glued it down with clear elmer’s (old school, that’s how i styled my very first wigs back in 2001… LOL) and let it dry overnight.

I put it in a ponytail at the bottom, and tucked that back up into the inside and trimmed off the excess. Then I hot glued the inside down and glued another circle of fleece inside to hold it in place and cover it up.
Then I took one of these braid headbands I got:

And hand sewed it around the edge.
I’d originally bought 2 of these headbands because I thought I may need to do one along the bottom too, but I don’t think I need it.
Next will be sewing the bun onto the bottom.

But I decided I want to sew the decorative haircomb in place first, so Chase got that painted for me yesterday so hopefully I can finish this up tonight. Once the bun is sewn on, I’ll sew a big haircomb into the inside. Hopefully this all looks ok when I try it on – if it does, this will make life a lot easier at dragoncon. Just basically putting on a hat and pinning it in place LOL

Chase made Luna a little cave out of amazon boxes.
Since I am so caught up, I decided to go ahead and make the 2 piece outfit from the star wars knit fabric I got recently.

Got the shirt assembled Saturday – just needs hemmed.
Got the shorts completely finished Sunday morning, but I don’t have a pic of that.
Sunday afternoon got Chase’s Vader robe made:

I need him to try it on again with the shoulder armor and make sure the hem is in the right place, then I can finish that up. I’m also not happy with the neck facing, so I think I’m going to monkey with that tonight and see if I can make it a little less lumpy looking. I think I may just take the hem out of the facing – fabric doesn’t really need it, it’s not going to fray.
Ok so let’s update the to-do list:
Rebels Leia:
Trim belt (on the schedule for tonight)
paint accessories
make hair bun (I’m calling it done, since it’s just the last couple of steps to assemble now)
make hair piece
finish sewing on sash
test vampire fangs (was going to do this last night but decided to wait on Chase, since he needs to form his to his teeth also, figured we could help each other)
Paint buckle/attach
trim bottom of pants (started to do this last night but decided I need to try them on again to double check where I need to cut.)
Seven of Nine:
finish glove
trim wig
add snaps to top
paint combadge
recurl wig
take up blazer
find new id badge
Make inner robe
install new zippers and shorter straps
Jedi Leia::
finish assembling pants
hem bottom of pants/add elastic
make upper boot sections
cut and assemble tunic
make panels for sleeves
finish edges on tunic
paint belt (bought paint saturday)
make belt buckle